Should I?
Should I? as if i could do all those extreme thing.. I just wish i've braved enough to do all those quotes told me to do. But the fact is i can't force myself to hate those toxic people when i don't feel like hate them.. you know what i mean? The point here is i'm the real coward who let myself be disrespectful like this. They're getting wayy lott more comfortable with disrespecting me as the time goes on.
hooh they say that i'm joking or i'm just having my PMS coming for now. I'm so angry, sad and insecure at the same time until in a point that i can't cry anymore because of this. This is suck. This is me when i'm angry. This is me when i'm sad. Please understand it and knew where you need to stop. know the limits dude if you are my real friends. Tchh as if you're going to read and understand all of this 😏
This is the problem in this society, something thats should not be a habit become a habit because they always said that its okay when it shouldn't be okay. They lower the standart when it shouldn't be lowered. They keep doing this taboo things until this thing become not-taboo anymore. Suck this society. What should i do? Can i change this whole society? How?
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