Project Week 2018


clink on those links for a bit of recap about my project week!


yep. just as how you read in the title, out of all the lesson that I've learned through this trip, I learned how to appreciate our beings in this world. Before I start sharing my stories in this trip, I'd like to educate y'all, Algos <3 about what is Buenos Para Todos and what the basic knowledge you guys need to know about this trip.

Project Week itself is a trip arranged by the school for spring break on campus. As a first year, you need to join one out of (maybe) ten trip that the school provides. But, on your second year, you can join school trips or have your own trips as long as you have something to reflect on later on for your ExEd portfolio. Some second year went to NYC or stay in California or even have a trip around the US. But for my trip, I went on this trip called Buenos Para Todos.

Buenos Para Todos (BPT) is initially one of the trips for project week last year. But starting this year it became an official ExEd and also continue as a trip for project week. This BPT itself involves around woman empowerment, going back to nature as a human being, acknowledge the importance of our environment, and also remind ourselves regarding the role of our ancestor. 

Tara Trudell, Denika Vigil, Jannette, Yvonne, and Yoli. 5 faculty member that felt more like a friend to me than a staff. This past week has been wonderful with them. We went to lots of different places and do work. If someone asked what the main activity, I’d say it’s prepared the land to plant lavender and making some kind of IRIGASI near Yvonne house. The first time in my life I use a shovel and dig the dirt trying to get the roots of the wild plant out. This activity requires lots of physical ability. We did this out in the sun usually start from 8/9 till lunch around noon then continue till 2/3. Sounds boring and tiring I know. BUT, this is actually a good way to get to know my friend, hang out, talk to them, and just be closer while doing the job. The downside is just that I hate sun because I don’t want to get tan lol. Personal preferences, no judgment needed.

Also, we came to this house of an old woman, Native American woman that made Adobe. It’s a solid kind of brick. They use it for different purposes, Usually, for a traditional ceremony or to build a house. At first, I thought it will be easy but after I learned how to make them for 3 days, I regret my first judgment towards it. IT IS HARD! and I can’t think how an old woman could do this work by herself.

First step, you need to flatten the land where you’re going to use it to shape the Adobe. Don’t forget about the woods that work as your mold, wipe the woods with some oil so the dough won’t get stuck in the mold after we dry them for a day. Then after all prepared, time to make the dough. Get the three-wheels cart and fill with water, dirt, and earthenware. The composition is a bit weird because the lady just said, “once you mixed it well, and you’ll feel whether it’s enough or need more water, dirt, or earthenware”. I mean she’s an expert and we’re not so we learn a lot about this. The last step will be filling the mold placed in flattened land till full, leave for a day or two, then your Adobe is ready to go!

            Other than those two main activities, we also have a small discussion or workshop inside Yvonne’s house. There are midwife, watercolor painting, Native American IRIGASI System in Villanueva, and we have the last sacred ceremony that not everyone can go so we shall feel honored they kindly invited us. Most of them are very interesting and educating in many ways. I could feel I’ve grown a bit like a human by listening to people’s story and understand different perspectives.

            Oh well, this week has been super fun. It gets tiring sometimes but the people in my group is very supportive and kind. One thing that I could take away from this trip is that I appreciate this world more than before. We talked a lot about how we need to think about our ancestor, where we came from, what the earth has done for us, what our participation to this world, and all other issues related to that. Being humble and care about other people is what they trying to teach us. Not only that, but they also asked us to look inside ourselves, feel the emotion, be honest to our feelings, take the courage to become vulnerable, and of course self-care. This might be my favorite part of the trip because I got so immersed with campus life till I forgot to take care of myself and be present in the world for people, not me. I hope whoever reading this could relate to me and be kind to themselves.

It has been an amazing trip, Thanks


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