Bye Grand Canyon
Yeah, I'm not going to Grand Canyon.

So here's the story: 2 days before Grand Canyon Departure, I hurt my knees-again where I had my PCL. I went to the nurse and I told her that I'm going to Grand Canyon for Southwest Studies, but then she said it's better for me to take an easier trip. She said it's better to do other trip and not taking the risk to go to Grand Canyon. It was kind of sad I can't go there but then I realize I don't want to hurt my knees even more.
So here's my story about my Southwest Studies. Don't forget to watch my video on my channel! click here
These people are my roomies for a week in the hotel for Southwest Studies in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The girl with glasses, her name is Paula and she's from Equador. Rachel is the girl in a blue hoodie, she's from Canada. And the girl with two-toned hair, she's my bestie and she's from Finland. They are such fun people to talk to and just to hang out too. They really made this trip amazing.
So we spent our time mostly at Keshet in the morning till lunch. We help the community to make a video for them. We divided into 4 groups and each group has a different topic. We also have to edit it by ourself. I'm really happy because I know what I'm going to do and I've done this whole thing before. And I glad a lot of my friends being so pro while editing and taking a footage for their video even though this is their first time doing it.
After that, we went back to our hotel to eat lunch and then went to the Youth Detention Center aka Rehabilitation Center for teenagers whose still underage (18 years old less). We also spend this whole trip to make a Documentary Theatre Play here. It was really fun because we didn't know each other before. And they are "prisoners" which many people are afraid of them and judging them before knowing the whole story from them.
I was scared at first. In the first day, I held Netta's arm because I'm too scared of them. But after spending 2-3 days with them honestly, they are such a kind and sweet person. Yeah, maybe they fucked up in the past, they made mistakes and end up in this sucks place. They can't even stand up before the guard approved it. They have to ask before they do something. And they take a shower in an open place that only covered with a curtain. This is such a bad place to live in. I feel bad for them. I mean yeah this is basically a jail, so it supposed to be not comfortable to live in.
And then for the dinner, we went to Church. There's an organization called Wings for Life. They are ex-prisoners. Their mission is to dedicate their lives to make a better community with others people and to not see people because of what they've done in the past. Also a religious reason. This is a really good organization for ex-prisoners. They'll be surrounded by people that have a positive mind to live their life. so they won't make the same mistakes twice.
And for the last day, we went to the Wings for Life Fundraising event. They display items like jewelry, paintings, clothes, and all the things that worth to sell. And then there are people would start betting on one specific items. The last and the higher better would win the item. Also, they'll have dinner which worth $100 per plate. Our tasks here is to help them know the rules and just talk to them about UWC. We also allowed to bet on items. One of my friends bet only $5 on a painting that worth $150.
Also before we went back to campus, Our lovely sponsor (Nandhita and Eyad) treat us Indian Buffet food. Their restaurant called Taj Mahal. I finally had a really decent meal since I first came in UWC haha. The night before, I also had a Chinese food at a Buffet. The place called Hongkong Buffet. I thought it will be more than $15 each person, but it turns out it only cost $12 per person. Thank you Uncle Eyad 💗
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