2020 resolution??

I still remember my last year's resolution and how I write it all in detail. As expected, only a couple of them are maintained and the rest was just impossible to keep up. My plan for this year is not necessarily listed all of them in details but more like listing them in a paragraph as a description so there will be a flexible rule which could be tweaked in the future if needed. The point will be more of an understanding instead of a strick general one rule applied for all which impossible. So here's a couple of points I have made for next year!

1. Focus on my prayers schedule. I was not a good Muslim last year and I wanted to start fixing it before it all turned into ashes. I really want to be back on my roots, my culture, and my self because I have realized how different and how many changes have happened to me on both sides, good or bad.

2. Eat healthier food! I gained weight during the last months of the year as I was super focused on my studies and neglect my meal plan. I eat tons of junk foods and sometimes snacking is a daily routine that shouldn't be happening. If I wanted to live long and be a useful human being for once, the least I could do is to suppress my appetite, eat enough amount of food, more sustainable meaning less meat, and not snacking too often. I said I was a vegetarian a couple months ago but it was a bit too harsh for me. I am planning to start not eating meat at all by being pescetarian and then maybe when I am in college I could shift my diet plan to full vegetarian.

3. Excercise continuously, please. This goes in one packet with the second point. I feel my body has been super lazy lately as I haven't workout in so long. I wanted to have a healthy body. I guess I should change it to be more active rather than focusing on exercise in the gym, Walk more, do more self-journey into the woods and others healing activity that I wanted to do before I leave for UWC.

4. Read the Quran! I overlook my spiritual journey while I am here. I do not want to do that anymore. In this last semester, I wanted to build a habit with prayers and reading Quran so that I could continue doing so while in college. I do not want to ignore my relationship with God anymore and I hope I will try my best to fix this broken relationship.

5. Graduate from UWC. Yep, last semester and by May, I will be free from the IB shit and preparing myself for college!!

6. Get into my dream college! I applied to several different colleges across the globe. I did Common App, UCAS, UBC, and now maybe I wanted to start looking for a safety university in Indonesia just in case if I didn't get into colleges here.

7. No regret after UWC!  I will do everything I wanted before I leave this place and that's including trying everything I never tried before in UWC!!

8. Do not feel scared anymore about others' opinions on me. My lifelong problem is this. and I really hope I could at least minimize the effect of others' opinion on my decision this year. I am almost 19 years old so I hope  I could really be working on this problem this year.

9. Be free, express your thought, stand in what you believe. Exactly as how it is stated. I hope I could find my true self, and really be confident about myself about what I believe, what I think, and express my self to the fullest.

10. Appreciate your family more, spend time with them. They who always be there since I was born. The people that I feel belong to. The family which I could rely my back on, take off my mask and be as naked as possible in front of them. I have not really express my gratitude towards them but I hope I can make more visible effort to show them how much I love them this year. They meant the world to me, they are my universe and I would do anything to make them proud of me.

11. Money is not everything but it is important to acknowledge them more. What I mean by this is that I want to let my self appreciate money more, I have always been the one who never thinks of financial problems and just buys whatever I like. I spent money to easily without having the experience of how hard it is to earn them. That is why this year, I really want to save up more, not buying unnecessary stuff for the reason I mentioned before and Sustainability.

12. Minimalism. When I talked about sustainability, the first word that came up is responsibility. After studying in ESS for a year and a half, I recognize how human impact is killing the planet every second. Human activities are the main reason of why this is all happening., All the infinity greed that human has is putting the whole planet in danger. With this knowledge, I learned about minimalism. It is also still a new concept of mine but I really want to explore more about it this year and hopefully could improve my way of living and the way I look about life in the future.

13. Self-care! A cleaner face is probably one of the main goals. I wanted to wear less makeup this year and really take care of my body. Wear more lotion, put on lip balm, use a face mask, exfoliate my foot, and really just treat my body like a queen. This body is a gift from God and I would not waste it anymore.

14. Read more books. It is the same goal that I have last year but did not get completed. I did not even complete one book from last year so I want to at least really ready some books by the end of the year. Six books are the goals.

15. Practice Language: Spanish, Korean, possibly Japanese. 

16. Do research about past world events. This goes in the same direction as the reading goals. During my time in UWC, what I regret the most is not being aware of our history. Many people that I admire in UWC has such a broad knowledge about human events in the world. This makes me ashamed of myself for not knowing it, I looked like a complete idiot when people share an opinion on that and I have nothing to give to the table. Being knowledgeable is sexy and I wanted to be one.

17. Read more news, be up to date. Yes Yes Yes!! This is important. If I want to be a grown-up, adult, or just for the sake of my future, I need to freaking know of the world. This is the coffee or tea time conversation topic and if I did not have the knowledge of that, how am I gonna survive? Do you want to make a fool of yourself by not knowing the simplest and the most general news in the world?

18. Akhlak improvement. Please, I am begging myself for this goal to really achieve it by the end of the year. I need to be a better Muslim I have to. I got distracted from this during my UWC time and what I was hoping is after graduation, I should be better than I was before. Think and look back at all the wisdom my parents give me and all the Islam lessons I have been taught since I was a kid. No more skinship, keep your eye clean from anything that could harm it, limit your useless gossip about people, and shut your mouth if you don't know what you were talking about. Being cool in this superficial world is not worth it if that keeps you away from Jannah's door in the afterlife.

That's all, thank you for reading this and keep me accountable for it guys! 


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