Another great opportunity to learn. I can't express how grateful I am to be in this position. As I said in my previous post, I applied for a summer program introduced by UWC-USA called SDC (Students Diplomacy Corps). Full one month program focused on language base and different mission in each country.  This program is the perfect chance to learn a new language and a new culture during the summer. I'd say the best program you could ever ask to fill your summer time. When the college counselor on my campus introduce this, the moment I knew about this I already decided and put my mind that I am definitely going to be part of this program. And after going through a countless essay and writing also interviews, I got this email today.

the only thing I could think of when I got this email is that I AM GOING TO JAPAN?!!?!?!?!?! if you guys follow my journey in this blog you might know that my first choice for UWC is UWC ISAK Japan. I have always wanted to go to Japan and learn more about their culture. And when I knew SDC has a program in Japan and it's about SUSHI?! I applied straight up and talk to my college counselor. omg omg, I really don't know what to say, I JUST FELT SO BLESSED AND HONOUR TO BE PART OF THIS GROUP. I AM SUPER HAPPY!!! Alhamdulillah Thanks yaAllah if this is the right path for me, please guide me.

Another thing that came up to my mind the moment I read this email was that I will only be in Indonesia for a short time. Because after school ends I still need to stay in the US for another 14days for leadership training for Orientation next year. Then I got this SDC program, So if I count it right, I will only be in Indonesia for less than a month :( well I guess experience does cost something. Anyway, That's all I wanna say to you guys! as always, I'll try to share my experiences with y'all Algos as often as I could.

With Love, 


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