Sampai bertemu lagi Surabaya! + Simple Yet Useful Habit

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. 

yapp! 士 3 days more to go to uwc usa which means it's almost there! slowly but surely, one step closer to my dream.  this hasn't felt real yet. it feels like its only yesterday when i'm rushing over the requirements for online application in uwcindo web. when i travel by myself for the first time to Jakarta to attend the final selection process as i was invited by uwcindo. but then look! here i am. in the train on my way to Jakarta then i'm going to uwcusa by plane on August 17th. yap Indonesian Independence Day! Disaat semua orang merayakan hari bersejarah bagi Indonesia, aku harus melakukan perjalanan jauh selama 39jam. Ironic but well this is what i want right, so i have no rights to regret that ;)

and yeah a little update for y'all whose been wondering about the others, yap almost all of us have arrived at their school. Ridho was the first one, he's already at UWC Adriatic Italy. And the followed by Salsa to UWC Mahindra India. ahh wait Ridho wasn't the first but Jose at UWC Atlantic College UK. and of course #CSCSquad Jill, Dinda, and Shopia arrived just today at the luxurious UWC Changsu China. Ohh don't forget about Alan UWC Li Po Chun Hongkong and Ilham UWC RBC Germany, they'll be the latest to come to their school among us

let's look back at what i said to you guys about my concern here. Well about the progress it's not that significant because i need to learn about editing video and Spanish, but at least i feel more relaxed after doing a research about my concern. eventhough i didn't find the perfect answer. But the thing that i want you to keep in mind is, everything is already on Internet. We've been living this era. and that's a fact that you can not change nor avoid.

So whatever you do or if you have question about anything and you cann't find someone to ask, ask Google! i want us to be smart. yeah you and me because i'm still in 'learning mode' too. But then i found something that i thought was right and i felt the responsibility to share with others. So let's be smart together. there is many good online forum platform to look for. Quora as example. quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answerred, edited, and organized by its community of users in the form of opinions. Well of course i'm not being paid by Quora lol but just take a look maybe this site could be useful for you as well

And about youtube !! I just found out that this platform can give you more benefits than I have ever known in my whole life. I'm not going to be naive, i used to watch youtuber vlog, kpop, makeup video, and others unnecessary video on youtube. i'm not gonnal lie that is interesting and fun but then it comes to a point when i realized. This takes my time too much while i only get temporary happiness which not cool. i could get a long-life knowledges by only watching youtube in my free time. i will suggest you to click this site. But there's one youtube channel that i always watch TEDxTalks. Really guys, i'm not gonna lie that youtube chanel is insane! i get a lot of "ahh really?" "wow cool i just found out about that" "okay so what i believe this whole time is wrong" "*nodding the whole video*" if you want to experience something like that, you better leave this blog and go straight to youtube to watch it. Don't worry they have tons of interesting topic.

I'm not sure how to convience you but seriously if you are younger than me this post like "things that i hope i knew before i turn to 17" but if you the same age or even older this post like "things that i need to do RIGHT NOW before i regret my life" haha lmao. I really hope you guys can sense the importance in what i'm talking about because i think its just a small step to start [which is so easy] to make our country better by having their nation's next generation smart. i'm not being cocky to try to lecturing you about this, but someone need to say about this right? and if is not us who start doing this SIMPLE YET USEFUL HABIT who else?

Thank you! Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Till we meet again Algos!


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